Wednesday, March 16, 2011


So, yesterday my brothers and I took to the woods to find those treasuries of gold, or bone. We did get kind of a late start so we didn't get too much time to look around. There was a lot of snow up there, but this made for some great sledding. Preston decided to take a sweet short cut. Course, I was the last to slide down, leaving me with little snow and lots of rocks against my behind. Later on, we trudged through 3 feet of snow to make it down to Kyle's car. Preston once again decided that he was going to be the first one down, and made a mad dash down the road. He made it about 20 feet before tripping and stumbling to an ice cold face plant. I wish that I had my camcorder ready for that one. Note to self, Preston is going to make a lot of great videos for our blog. In the end we were successful. I found a pretty decent four point. 
Check out the video and tell us what you think! I was so excited just ask my brothers. This was the first time that I was able to get out and about. Not a bad start if I might say. Kyle and Preston were able to go a couple times this year and have already started to fill up this year's quota. I'll have to get some pictures of theirs to post.
We will go again this upcoming Tuesday. So look forward to that post.
Porter sure is proud of daddy!

Who we are

Welcome to "Check out that rack". My brothers and I are avid shed hunters. This is the place where our adventures will be posted and documented. If you enjoy the outdoors, wildlife and utter back country adventure then follow us. 
Shed hunting season has begun. If you heard this and thought, "what kind of guy makes a blog about his everlasting quest at the local Home Depot for a shed?" then you haven't got the right idea. Shed hunting is the search for fallen antlers. Now when I say antlers, I do not mean horns. Regardless of common misappropriation, deer, elk and moose do not have horns. This is a common misunderstanding, but one that I do not forgive. Antlers and horns are entirely different. For one, horns do not shed. Which is the entire point of this blog. Sure, every once in a while I might post a backpacking adventure, or a camping trip. I might even be willing to let you in on our hunting successes.
Every year, from December to May, deer, elk and moose loose their antlers.Moose begin in December, while deer lose theirs from Feb to the end of March. Elk on the other hand seem to keep a fairy good grip on theirs until April and even into May. Needless to say, this provides my brothers and I will a lot of time devoted to the treasure hunt. Each shed is unique and when found, adrenaline rushes through out veins. You might even feel that adrenaline throughout this year as you see our finds.
Hope you enjoy this blog! It's sure to be a success!